Hello, mother India!
Today was finally the day to step into the unknown. A place I've
heard so much about and treated with awe and respect seasoned with a
dose of fear. Would it be too overwhelming? Could my stomach take it?
Would I hate it? Or would I fall completely and madly in love with it
and end up spending all my money and travel time between India and
Koh Phangan? Well, now I have about 2 months to find out.
Surat Thani bus station. Tiny. |
Yesterday evening I
took the ferry from KPG to Donsak, a bus to Surat Thani and stayed the night in an
affordable 200 baht dorm (Banana cabins, center of the peace since 2014, according to the sign outside) in the middle of nowhere. In
the morning when even the sun was still sleeping (ok, it was at 6, so
not super early, but still early for my schedule) me and an Ohio girl
shared a taxi to the airport. Another last coconut and a short flight
later I was in Dong Mueang again where I was delighted to find mr.
Osprey waiting for me and proceeded to take the easy free shuttle bus to
Eels happen when light is lit. Be very afraid.
Since I wouldn't have made it to my original Lion Air
flight with the earliest ferry from KPG and needed to spend the night
in Surat Thani anyway, I'd decided to buy some peace of mind in the
form of an earlier Air Asia flight. So I had plenty of time to spare on Suvarnabhumi, which
was pretty sweet. And even sweeter when, after desparing for
something to eat and wondering where all the restaurants were hiding,
I spotted an escalator to the floor below with lots of munchies on
offer. Score! Well, food left a lot to be desired for but the mango shake
was excellent. Another goodbye to mr. Osprey (and some nervousness
after noticing the info poster that banned taking power packs
(recharging batteries) on the airline I had chosen (Jet Airways)). I
decided that my karma could take a white lie, so I told the check-in
people that of course I don't have any such things in my backpack.
Oops. Well, they didn't explode on the plane, so all good! An
indulgent Cold Stone Creamery ice cream (coffee and coconut. Ok, but
a bit bland - no Swensen's, which is my abso favourite) later it was
time to head off to the gate.
Which is when it
finally hit me. Oh my god, I was actually doing this! Koh Phangan and
Thailand were such easy peasies and familiar territory that now it
felt my Journey was actually starting for real. There were Indian
people around and everything was already a hassle (extra security
screenings and bag checks and stamps on boarding pass and whatnot).
But even with the sugar coursing in my veins, I was calm. This felt
like a necessary step. India had been calling for a long time and it
was time to answer.
In storage: irons, office supplies, clothes pegs, cats |
So, what did it feel
like to leave Koh Phangan? Well, it didn't feel nice, that's for
sure. If I didn't know I'd be back in 2 short months, I'm pretty sure
I'd have been devastated. I just got into the flow of the magical
island and now it was time to leave again? Not cool. I'd sang bhajans
on the beach a couple of nights with the accompaniment of a harp, a
guitar and occasional other instruments, watching the sun paint the sky orange and the stars light up around the grinning moon. I'd thought long and hard
about redoing 1. level of yoga at Agama in May and definitely doing all the tantra workshops I could. I'd released more
emotional blockages with breathwork. I'd done a relaxing ajna
chakra activation session with the help of a synthesizer and hang
drums. In other words: I was deeply in love with the myriad of
spiritual and healing events the island is teeming with. It did feel
like something was missing, though. A structure of some kind. But I'd
made the decision not to dive into any lengthy workshops yet, so
these 2 weeks were really just a dip in the spirituality pool, a soft
landing into the trip. Now I'm ready to go deeper, live in the rhythm
of an ashram for 2 weeks, which means among other things getting up at 4 am and going to bed at 21, and then do some more India. Maybe a reflexology course in Rishikesh and an ayurvedic massage course in Kerala. Or not. Time will tell. I'm so looking
forward to all of it!
In the name of honesty and on the shadowy side of things,
I must also write about the first anxiety attack of the trip. Yep,
it came pretty soon, but on the other hand I'm glad it
happened in familiar territory and not in India. We were having green
tea and vegan brownies (sheesh, so many vegans here!) in Art Cafe
when I felt my cheeks burning a little bit and G commented that I had
a bit of colour on my face, maybe an allergic reaction? They also
started itching a bit, and lo and behold, it took all of 2 minutes
for me to be full-on in the grips of an almost hyperventilating
panicky anxiety attack. See, I'm not allergic to anything. And the
last time something like this happened to my face was when I had
dengue fever, when the whole of my face got red and swollen. And yes,
I'd been protecting myself from mozzie bites as well as I could, but
of course there are always a couple that slip through the guard. I'd
been surprisingly chill about all of it, but The Fear of Dengue Monster had been lurking somewhere in the subconscious and now
pounced on my peace of mind full force. I couldn't do anything to
prevent it, suddenly just boom, it was there. Luckily G was there to
calm me down a bit, and I did settle down enough to drive myself home
and rummage through my med supplies for some antihistamins. I did
find some, but decided to see how the situation would progress before
taking any. The thing is, I really wanted to avoid starting to
medicate every little twitch like I sometimes have had a tendency to do. This trip is also about trusting the Universe and my own
healing powers and applying the mindfulness and peace of mind approach to my often
prevailing hypocondria. And boy was I proud of myself, when after
meditating for a little bit (well, quite a while actually) I felt
better, calmer and the antihistamins were still untouched on the
table. Rational and calm Lilje 1 – worrying and anxious Lilje 0.
Yay! And the redness did calm down by itself quite soon as well.
So, another lesson in
dealing with my issues learned. Did I manage to avoid the anxiety
attack? No. But did it pass much more quickly than previously? Yes.
Did I end up blaming myself for being such a silly hypocondriac?
Well, yeah, a little. But it what G said when I was
shaking and panicking really hit home: “Now is the time to love yourself the most.
Now is the time to be there for yourself and not run away or assign
blame.“ It rang even truer later on when I reflected on the whole
situation. I cannot always prevent getting anxious but if I could
remember to accept the situation and accept myself in the situation,
offering comfort and consolation and not blame or accusations, I
think it would make a world of difference. Of course it's hard to
remember something like that when I'm in the middle of the
mind-whirlpool of “fuckfuckpleasenotnowIdon'twannabreakdown
inpublicgetittogetheraaaargh“ but next time I'll try.
That's that. But hey,
India! I'm, like, really here. The flight was smooth, and I spent a
lot of time reflecting on happiness and what really interests me.
Didn't find anything that new, but it felt good to greet the usual
suspects: I love cooking and baking. I love the healing arts and
exploring them deeper. I love feeling a part of something, like I
belong. I love being useful to others. I love adventure. I love being independent and brave enough
to do this by myself. But I'd also love to have someome to share
these travels with at some point. Since I'm pretty sure that this
trip will only be the beginning. On a lighter side, I also watched a Bollywood movie and
giggled all the way through it like a little girl. India!
Airport biryani |
So, here I sit now, on
Indira Gandhi International airport. Outside the door is Delhi, but
it is still at a safe distance, where I also intend to keep it. I
have no interest in Delhi, actually, so I'd rather sit here on the
concrete floor, blog and wait for 2 hours to pass so that my new SIM
card will be activated and I'll have internet. I managed to withdraw
some rupees which I absolutely love the look of, buy an adapter and
have the first vegetable biryani (not awesome – airport food). My
fellow yoginis will arrive from Berlin around 5 in the morning, so I
still have 6 hours to while away. Probably won't even try to get any
sleep, but we'll see. It will apparently be a rather gruelling drive
to Haridwar, but perhaps sleeping in the car would still be easier
than on the airport where the music is blaring and I need to entangle
myself in my stuff to have peace of mind that nothing will be taken
while I'm off in slumberland. So, probably just gonna watch some Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Or try to sleep. Or both.
Hippie camp at Delhi airport. Thanks, Vodafone, for the electricity! |
So, this is Lilje in
India. One more Level Up! Over and out.
Next stop: Santosh Puri ashram, yoga and peace. Om shanti <3